Thirty years ago, visual artist Mariko Marrs made 56 lovely hand-painted 7″ reel-reel tape boxes for a cassette release by Steve Peters. That project never materialized, and Peters has saved the boxes in storage for all this time, waiting for the right opportunity to use them “someday” for “something.”
A Gathering is a limited edition box of visual art, text, and music by Peters and friends Renko Dempster (aka Suiren), Jessika Kenney, Alan Lau, Mariko Marrs, Cristin Miller (aka Stella Haze), Shin Yu Pai, and Matt Shoemaker. Each artist contributed 56 items to put in the boxes (either multiples or unique works), along with a CD of new sound pieces by Kenney, Miller, Peters, and Shoemaker. Each box is different, and all of the work has been created specifically for this project.
Tonight we assemble everything in the boxes and make them available, along with live music performances by Kenney, Miller, Peters, and Shoemaker, readings by Lau and Pai, and improvised painting by Dempster. The boxes will be for sale – buy one and get in for free. If all goes well, this might become an annual thing.