A night of digital experimentation as art and music student-artists from Cornish College of the Arts explore the fertile improvisatory ground between image and sound.
Student-artists from Cornish College of the Arts, part of an Inter-Arts class called Digital Media Improvisation, will present their final group projects at the Chapel Performance Space. Each group will have 4-5 sound and image artists improvising together to create works that range from abstract image/sound/art to narrative structures, including 3D live-improvisation, live-electronic manipulation of video and sound, and movement based compositions.
The class is led by Cornish faculty Robert Campbell (Art) and Tom Baker (Music). The students are: Vanessa Alcaraz, Taylor Bednarz, Kendra Boblett, Rory Borcherding, Griffin Boyd, Andrew Coulter, Ana Duenas, Cameron Fletcher, Stefan Gonzales, Pralhad Gurung, Mitchell Gustin, Sierra Klingele, Derrick Lee, Julio Lopez, John Powell, Fritz Rodriguez, Kyle Salley, Troy Schiefelbein, Will Smith, Makenzie Stone, Kevin Tongue.