A reckless carnage of harmonic versus melodic instrumentation; free jazz counterpoints music games in this “collidescope” of “nodal” perturbance, instigated by filmmaker/performance artist/composer Nadya Kadrevis.
David Haney studied composition with Czech American composer Tomas Svoboda. He has been a member of the Society of Oregon composers and his works have been performed throughout North and South America and Europe. Haney’s musical projects have included Roswell Rudd, Julian Priester, John Tchicai, Steve Swell, Roy Campbell, Bud Shank, Wolter Weirbos, Johannes Bauer, Daniel Carter, Han Bennink, Andrew Cyrille, Billy Martin, Bernard Purdie, Marvin Bugulu Smith, Gerry Hemingway, Buell Neidlinger, Dominic Duval, Adam Lane, Michael Bisio, Daniel Carter. As a leader, Haney has over 25 albums on CIMP-USA, Cadence-USA, SLAM-UK, NoSeSo-Argentina, La Gorda-Argentina, Canada Jazz Studio-Canada.
FHTAGN is an experimental chamber ensemble from Seattle, WA, led by composer/performance artists Blake DeGraw. Consisting of a rotating membership of musicians from various disciplines, FHTAGN explores alternative conducting techniques, aleatoric operations, gesturally generated works, extremes in spatial dispersion, and free improvisation. Since its formation in 205, FHTAGN has seen participation by more than 70 musicians, performing in combinations ranging from saxophone quartets to small string orchestras to mixed ensembles of 20+ musicians.