Droneroom is the nom de strum of Blake Edward Conley, a certified Kentucky Colonel and the self-professed Cowboy of Drone. Conley has demonstrated his ability to drift, twang, and sear over the course of numerous releases (including …The Other Doesn’t, Neon Depression, Negative Libra, Whatever Truthful Understanding, and Rusted Lung) across various labels (Somewherecold, Desert Records, Marginal Glitch, Echodelick, and Ramble Records (AU)), and has been noted as part of the forefront of the burgeoning Ambient Country movement, featured on the Ambient Country podcast and Bandcamp.com’s Ambient Country for Beginners.
On guitar and various drone instruments, Adam Troy will be performing deconstructed versions of songs from his latest ep Latents, as well as new material that has been composed for this showcase. Always seeking irony and ambiguity in sound, Troy’s music resides somewhere between gesture and anti-gesture. He has an MA in music composition from Mills College where his studies were focused on ritual practice and perceptual manipulation through music. Aesthetically, Troy’s music plots a crooked path between hostile ambience and affectionate post-rock.
skunk ape is elliott hansen holding and bending sound. skunk ape is made of blood and copper and breath and magnetic tape. skunk ape is music to watch plants die to.
Corpse Pose is the ambient guitar project of Stephan Blount. The namesake coming from the final meditation in yoga, the sounds are meant to inspire renewal, routines, perspectives and reflections. Stephan will be performing his first fully improvised piece “Perseverations in C Minor.” Bad to the Drone will serve as a release for the droneroom/corpse pose split on Heathen Fawn Recordings.