Outlaw Space will patiently improvise toward serene and blazing melismatic compositions to “color the mind”, erase time, and astonish everyone. Stephen Fandrich, piano; William Monteleone, saxophone; Kirill Polyanskiy, violin; Noah Colbek, percussion; special guest Greg Campbell, percussion.
Incredible skill, orchestral richness, and an eclectic playfield of musical influences are the foundation of this quartet led by acclaimed pianist/composer Stephen Fandrich. Expect a mysterious, evocative and brilliant development of tonal and rhythmic boundaries into melismatic compositions increasing from serene spaciousness to blazing intensity. Mahavishnu Orchestra, Keith Jarrett, Steve Reich, late Russian Romantics, Javanese karawitan and Hindustani classical are major musical influences of Outlaw Space.
Outlaw Space formed in 2015 as the “House Band” for Spite House, an acclaimed DIY venue and curated musical event, at the home of Stephen Fandrich in Seattle. Outlaw Space incubated at Spite House for eight years into the virtuosic quartet that it is today, and has finally reached out to perform in other venues only within the last year.
“Outlaw Space is a high-energy post-jazz quartet that defies genre labels and adjectives.”- Scott Schaffer, Right Brain Records.