Announcing the annual contrabass clarinet solo courtesy of Paul Hoskin. An eighty-minute adventure sounds the Chapel Performance Space. Hoskin’s solo life began with multiple reed instruments lasting for hours. He “simplified” by 1990 — contrabass clarinet only. Given cassette recording, the initial presentations were of ninety-minute length. As he ages (and switches to CD recording), eighty-minute episodes started in Seattle 1996. Hoskin’s approach may be labeled spontaneous composition. Improvisation — as a label — does not provide for a thorough investigation of his solo work. Language qua metaphor is one way of approaching. Periods of “jazz melody” live with extreme sonic exploration. The entire dynamic field, a five-octave range, multiphonics never heard — all are in evidence. In literal terms, Paul Hoskin is the only person to do this — worldwide, NOW.
(photo: Janet Neuhauser)