Strange Bedfellows + Glad We’re Together + BRB

Strange Bedfellows are found in the crawlspace between ancestral ritual and becoming the inner child who just wants to play with toys and friends. Strange Bedfellows is a duo linking Adam Levitt and Silas Morrow, formed over impromptu public practice sessions in Seattle and surrounding areas. The duo will make use of saxophone, flute, violin, percussion, synthesizer, metal objects, toys, found discarded objects, and small consumer electronics. Most objects have been passed on or gifted by loved ones and everything else was found in random but significant circumstances. 

Opening up the evening are Glad We’re Together and BRB. Seattle based Glad We’re Together weaves innocent wonderment with human introspection and spiritual gathering through the use of flutes, harmonium drones, and imagination filled objects. Glad We’re Together is helping and you’re invited. BRB is a performance troupe coming from Olympia, WA. The group is composed of enigmatic poet Reid Urban along with musicians and performance artists Ben Kapp and Ben Michaelis. BRB is a controlled eye brow falling in Denny’s.